Uprooted – Recitation
By Jack Keys
I’ve always enjoyed acting in less formal settings, especially voice acting. My main exposure to this has been in tabletop role-playing games like Numenera, Dungeons and Dragons, and Fiasco. I typically end up being the game master, which gives me a lot of freedom to try and create and embody many different characters. Recently, I played through Amnesia: A Machine for Pigs with a friend, and found that I was reading the notes we found out loud, in character, trying to contribute to the ambiance and immersion of this shared experience.
I have, however, never done any recordings of this. I recently wrote a poem called Uprooted that I felt would be a good piece for this, and wanted to capture a recording while I was in the same emotional space. It took a few takes, but I think I’m reasonably happy with the result: